In my capacity as Mr. Money Mustache, I strive to serve as your comprehensive source for Lifestyle Guru concepts. Throughout the years, we've delved not only into financial matters but also into crucial aspects such as health, fitness, and the psychology behind leading a better and happier life.
However, there is one particular realm where all of these elements converge with an almost unparalleled synergy and effectiveness. If I could make one wish, it would be for a transformative change so significant that it would enhance the lives of every individual on the planet and resolve numerous issues in one sweeping motion. And it’s likely not what you anticipate:
That we transition to designing our cities and countries centered around people rather than cars.
(And also revamp our existing infrastructure, ensuring that our entire world promotes human-friendly living.)
The advantages of this shift are far greater than most can imagine. We're not just talking about reducing pollution or alleviating a few traffic jams or accidents. No, this involves promoting richer, healthier, and more enjoyable living for everyone.
To suggest even conservative estimates, we're looking at an annual life improvement of over $20,000 per person, which accumulates to well over two million dollars per adult over their lifetime.
On a national scale, this could increase the wealth of the United States by around seven trillion dollars each year, potentially reaching about 770 trillion over the next fifty years.
This sum exceeds the current total wealth of humanity on Earth.
City design influences the largest economic factors across the globe.
You will find a home that is both more affordable and aesthetically pleasing with more space. Your overall health, both physical and mental, will improve, requiring considerably less time and healthcare expenditures.
Moreover, our public and private finances will be overflowing with surplus income, lower costs, and will spark an investment and prosperity boom unprecedented in history.
“WTF?” you might wonder.
“Isn't urban planning a mundane task relegated to the city council while we focus on our lives?”
Yes, that's how it is now. And therein lies the issue: cities are shaped by individuals whose main goal is to uphold the status quo and avoid disruptions. These committees are elected and supported by traditional companies, organizations, and disgruntled neighbors who lack the vision to recognize the opportunities they overlook.
I firmly believe that if everyone could see past the hazy comfort of the status quo, we'd all concur that advocating for this radical transformation is not only the most compelling idea but the only sensible one to pursue.
Our task is to understand and convey just how significant and achievable this is. At its core, the concept is remarkably straightforward.
Let’s begin with this image.
Wow, that’s somewhat unexpected.
In the same area, you can accommodate an entire, quite nice two-bedroom apartment or merely enough space for two small cars to park. Yet, it gets even more astonishing. Consider a typical intersection in my city:
A sizable intersection spans about 250×250 feet. On a good traffic day, you’ll breeze through it. However, this equates to 1.5 acres of squandered space, sufficient to accommodate about 200 individuals in resort-style luxury!
WHAT?! So whenever two major roads intersect—which occurs hundreds of times in every large city—you waste enough space to construct a luxurious living environment with roughly a hundred two-bedroom apartments, a pool, dog park, grocery store, a couple of restaurants, and more.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, as I've only illustrated two parking spots and one intersection. The reality is our entire cities are predominantly composed of ridiculous, costly wasted space like this.
A significant portion of Phoenix is FIXATED on cars. Expansive parking garages, lots, and roads dominate, but much of it is underutilized (I captured these images during a long exploratory walk on a workday.)
The situation is so dire that the only reason we believe we need cars for transportation is because we’ve devoted most of our land to accommodate them, spreading everything so thinly (and making environments hazardous and noisy) that walking or biking feels daunting!
Enter the Objections.
Whenever you present an innovative idea, a wave of skeptics typically emerges, resisting change without fully contemplating the implications.
Most concerns boil down to:
“But how will we continue driving our cars as much as we do now?”
This response is absurd because the goal is to eliminate vast wasted areas created to accommodate cars, ultimately granting us FREEDOM from the overreliance on vehicles!
Instead, we can create a new city layout that includes various forms of this beautiful community, featuring offices, grocery stores, climbing gyms, and other amenities.
And yes, there would still be roads connecting them, but primarily for deliveries, emergency services, and those requiring mobility assistance.
I hope you’re not suggesting I ride the bus?
Strolling past one of the numerous Electric Bikes at the headquarters of the nation’s first car-free neighborhood.
I support public transit in theory, but honestly, I often lack the patience
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As Mr. Money Mustache, I aim to be your comprehensive resource for Lifestyle Guru inspiration. Throughout the years, we have focused not only on the financial aspects of life but also on the even more significant...